A unique start to a family

Donating eggs and sperm is a beautiful gesture that makes the dream of parenthood come true.

Future parents thanks to INVICTA
Future parents thanks to INVICTA

INVICTA Donor Egg and Sperm Bank

INVICTA Fertility Bank was established in 2004 to help infertile couples fulfil their dreams of starting a family. Today it is the largest egg and sperm bank in Poland and one of the largest in Europe.

Donors are anonymous and subject to a diligent and multi-stage qualification process. We are based in Gdańsk, Warsaw and Wrocław. We also run satellite offices in Bydgoszcz, Gdynia and Słupsk.

Safe and effective operation of assisted reproduction laboratories and reproductive cell and embryo banks is undoubtedly a crucial element in the infertility treatment process. The implementation of modern solutions in embryology turns dreams of parenthood into reality. Each reproductive cell is highly valuable to us embryologists.

Dr. Joanna Liss, PhD
Embryologist, Head of IVF Laboratories

Stories of our patients