You’re young, and you have millions of them...

Become a Sperm Donor and help infertile couples fulfil their dreams of starting a family! Verify the quality of your semen and check if you can become an anonymous sperm donor today at the INVICTA sperm Bank.

Dawca - bank nasienia INVICTA
Dawca - bank nasienia INVICTA

Become a sperm donor - You have the power to help

By donating your sperm to the INVICTA Fertility Bank, you are helping couples that are experiencing difficulties conceiving. One of the most common causes for having problems getting pregnant is poor semen quality, i.e. complete absence or deficiency of sperms.

The sperm donation programme is aimed at all healthy men who successfully pass the examination and medical qualification process. Become an anonymous sperm donor and let others fulfil their dreams of becoming parents.

Why should you become a sperm donor?

When you become a sperm donor:

You will enjoy a feeling of self-accomplishment – you will help a couple trying to conceive,

You will learn about your health  – we will take care of you and perform semen quality, genetic and pathogenicity tests worth more than PLN 3,000, all free of charge.

Our top specialists will look after you – you will be guided through the process by a coordinator, a doctor and a psychologist,

You will receive a lump sum reimbursement – its amount is dependent on the number of visits made to the Clinic and may be as high as PLN 5,000.

Mężczyzna - Klient bank nasienia INVICTA

Sperm donation – am I fit to become a donor?

If you:

are a responsible, healthy man,

aged 18-40

have a normal body weight, with BMI between 17.5 and 30,

do not have any congenital disorders,

there have been no genetic or mental diseases in the history of your family,

have tertiary, secondary or vocational education,

You are welcome to fill in the form. We will be proud to have you as part of our community.

Student, który został dawcą nasienia w banku nasienia INVICTA

Sperm Donation Programme – step by step

Step 1

Initial qualification

  • filling in a form
  • reating an account on the patient portal and filling in a medical questionnaire.
Step 2

Medical qualification

The first visit to the Clinic involves:

  • collection of a blood sample,
  • submitting semen for testing,
  • conversation with a psychologist,
  • medical qualification,

Once you have been qualified, your donation visits will begin.

Step 3

3. Donation visits

  • The number of donation visits is up to you – it is usually between 4 and 10.
  • An intimate room will be reserved for you on site.
  • After each semen donation, you will receive the first instalment of your compensation – PLN 200.
Step 4

Attend the last donation and tests

  • donate your semen to the bank,
  • we will collect a sample of your blood for the last tests: genetic and pathogenicity tests.
Step 5

5. You will receive test results and compensation

  • you will receive all the test results,
  • if your last tests were successful, you will receive your second compensation instalment, i.e. PLN 300 x the number of positive donations.

Stories of our donors

I feel that my help has had an exceptional effect, and someone else can now enjoy the long-awaited child today. I felt comfortable at the Clinic. I was assigned a special, intimate room on the site.

Dawca w banku nasienia w Gdańsku
Sperm donor
from Gdańsk

Thanks to the tests performed during the qualification process, I know that my semen parameters are excellent and my genetic results are correct.

Dawca nasienia - Bank Nasienia INVICTA Warszawa
Sperm donor
from Warsaw

Here we respond to your most frequently asked questions

  • The INVICTA Sperm and Egg Bank ensures full anonymity for donors and recipients. This means that no personally identifiable information is divulged to either party. Each Honorary Donor receives a number (ID), which INVICTA will use during the process of treating couples with this particular material. Recipients can only learn about the donor’s blood type, height, eye and hair colour or education.

    The Act on Infertility Treatment of 25 June 2015 stipulates only anonymous donation and reception of reproductive cells (eggs, sperm) or embryos. The Ministry of Health, as required by the act, maintains a registry of donors of reproductive cells and embryos for non-partner donation, as well as of recipients who receive this type of treatment. The system provides a high level of security and protection of the data.

    Of course, risks arising from changes in the law or possible court cases cannot be ruled out, although it is understood that new norms should not be retroactive. Donors are informed of the risk that future regulations might enforce the abandonment of anonymity.

  • We run qualifications for the Semen Donation Programme at our Clinics in Gdańsk, Gdynia, Słupsk, Warsaw, Wrocław and Bydgoszcz. The cell collection procedure itself is performed in Gdańsk, Warsaw and Wrocław.

  • According to the guidelines of international medical associations, the semen of one anonymous donor is donated to a maximum of ten families (including the family of the donor himself) and used in medical procedures. As a result of the treatment, more than one child may be born in each family. In the case of disclosed donation, it is assumed that semen is used only for the needs of designated recipients. The donor signs a consent stating that he will not participate in donation programmes at other banks or clinics. The effects of treatment with donor sperm depend on the method used – effectiveness ranges from about 15% with insemination to as much as 60% with IVF.

  • Personal data of persons qualified for the Sperm Donation Programme, together with medical records, must be kept at the Clinic in accordance with the applicable law, like in other medical entities. All information is properly secured, stored and processed in compliance with the guidelines of the Inspector General for Personal Data Protection, as well as other regulations – exclusively for the purposes of the process of qualifying for the programme and the handling of medical records. They are not shared with or transferred to any external entities without the patient’s consent.

  • The honorary sperm donation programme is based on the guidelines of international medical associations, EU directives and good practices of European banks. The entire process has been properly regulated, also in terms of formal requirements. Both the donor and the recipients become familiar with information manuals that describe various aspects of donation and reception and sign relevant statements, consents and contracts.

  • Due to the physiological processes, donations should take place at time intervals. It is usually recommended that semen is donated once a week, with sexual abstinence of several days during that period.

  • The average number of donation visits is between 4 and 8. In some situations, however, this number may increase or decrease slightly. Please note that prior to donation, a future sperm donor must be subjected to a qualification process (about 3 visits to the Clinic that involve performing a sperm examination, having a conversation with a psychologist and a conversation with a doctor). Once the qualification is successful, the donor makes several appearances at the Clinic to donate sperm. However, he can withdraw from the programme at any time. The frequency of donations is determined on an individual basis, but the donor generally attends the Clinic on a fortnightly basis, give or take.

Do you want to apply for the program or do you have any additional questions?